See this article to learn how to access your account in the Admin Center and the features you can manage with it.
Voicemails in the Admin Center
While you can view and play your voicemails in the TeleConsole, perhaps the best reason to use the Admin Center is to manage your voicemails.
Access your account in the Admin Center, expand the Voicemails options, and select next to the mailbox you want to edit. This will open a screen with two tabs – Settings and Messages.
You can read the full description of voicemail settings here, but the following are summaries of some important features.
Voicemail Settings
There are four expandable settings categories. When making changes you need to make sure to SAVE each category separately.
Mailbox Info
Here you can select to transcribe your voicemails. Once enabled, transcriptions will show in the TeleConsole (currently only the desktop versions are supported) and under the Messages tab of the mailbox.
Voicemail Settings
- The Play message order option lets you play your Newest messages first or start with the Oldest message.
- You can check other users in the Copy new to other mailbox to share voicemails with them.
- The Change mailbox pin/Confirm pin protects your mailbox from unauthorized access. Leave these fields empty if you don't want to change the PIN.
- Play caller ID before playing message, Play call duration before playing message, and Play date time before playing message are referred to as voicemail envelope information and let you hear details about the caller and call for each voicemail.
Voicemail Notifications
These options let you get notifications about new voicemails by email a phone call. Phone call notifications will let you play the actual voicemail and email notifications can include an audio file of the voicemail.
You can provide a backup email address for notifications in addition to your own email address.
Email notifications will include a transcription if the option is enabled for the mailbox (see mailbox Info above.)
Phone call notifications can be protected with the mailbox PIN.
Voicemail Greetings
Here you can set up four possible greetings that callers will hear, depending on the call scenario:
- Voicemail default greeting has a priority and is played if no other greeting has been recorded.
However, if the default greeting has not been configured, the system will play the Audio name greeting followed by saying "is unavailable". - Voicemail greeting if the phone is on DND is played when your desk phone (or the TeleConsole app) is in Do Not Disturb mode.
- Temporary greeting is played in any other situation where you are unreachable, like when you are already on another call or logged out of all your queues.
Greetings can be selected from existing sounds, uploaded, recorded, or generated using the Text to Speech tab.
You can select to Remove any existing greeting. As mentioned above, the Default Greeting or the Audio Name has priority if the other greetings are empty.
Managing and Listening to Voicemail Messages
Select a mailbox and switch to the Messages tab to view and play voicemails.
Messages are listed under From/Name (caller's phone number and name) and Time columns. Messages can be sorted by clicking a column title (like the Time column in the sample figure) once for ascending order () and clicking again for descending order (
). Once sorted, the system will also display the results chronologically if applicable.
Play messages with and use
to Download a WAV file of the voicemail or change its Playback Speed. Voicemail transcriptions can be viewed by selecting
Mailbox Folders
Voicemails can organized and prioritized in folders that appear as clickable tabs for easy access and viewing. The available folders are Inbox, Urgent, Old, Work, Family, Friends, and five Customer folders. Folders cannot be renamed.
Voicemails are initially placed in the Inbox folder. Check a voicemail and select to copy ( ) or move (
) it to a folder. Coping keeps a duplicate of the voicemail in the original folder while moving doesn't.
You do not need to create or delete folders. The system automatically creates folders when you move or copy messages over and removes folders when they are emptied.
You can click to move voicemails to the Deleted folder where they are temporarily kept and are recorverable for 24 hours, before being automatically deleted. In the deleted folder, you can check voicemails and click
to delete them immediately.
Sharing Voicemails
When copying or moving a message, you can also select one or more users to share the message with. The user(s) will get a copy of the message in the folder you specify.
If you do not select any user the message is only moved or copied to folders in your own mailbox.
Folders and Voice Prompts
Voicemail folders can also be managed using voice prompts by dialing *1 from the TeleConsole app or your desk phone to access your mailbox. Press 1 to start playing the first voicemail and select 8 to move or copy it between folders. You can also press 2 in the mailbox main menu to enter other folders. Voice prompts are further discussed here.